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print inspection automatic large number pages many pages imposition printing digital data


Maintaining the inspection precision of Hallmarker while specializing in handlling a large amount of pages automatically

For example, how many people and how many hours would you need to inspect 500 pages ?

Is the contents of the final proof and the press plate is the same ?
Is the contents of the comprehensive layout, the previous sample and output data that is RIP processed in your company is the same ? 
Is the contents of the individual pages and a sheet with paginated images is the same ?
​Was it corrected following the right instruction ?
Are you sure that you didn't edit the correct part ?
print inspection automatic large number pages many pages imposition printing digital data

HallmarkCenter can complete inspecting of 500pages within 5 hours ! (1)

Furthermore, any type of data can be inspected.

(1) It depends on spec of computer.

  • RIP processed composite data.

  • Comprehensive layout paper, DDCP proof, paper that is printed by inkjet printer, printed scaning data. 

  • Composited data from the color plates after scanned the press plate.

  • Composited data from the color plates after scanned the film.

The basic function of HallmarkCenter

Common basic function of the series >

Just drag and drop the folder and the inspection will begin automatically

HallmarkCenter inspect automatically through the hot folder. 

print inspection automatic large number pages many pages imposition printing digital data

During the inspection, if HallmarkCenter detects files with the same name, it will automatically adds in prefix to indicate the target and the reference files.

print inspection automatic large number pages many pages imposition printing digital data

So what if the filenames are not related ?

print inspection automatic large number pages imposition printing

It's still posibble to inspect automatically with CTM (Option)  

There are cases where it is impossible to inspect individual pages with a sheet of paginated images automatically due to reason like...

  • The filenames are not related.

  • Because of blank pages, the order of the pages will be different 

  • There are no comprehensive layout in the middle of the page

CTM can set the page information from a pattern of fold to individual pages. this way CTM does not need related filenames to identify between individual pages and a sheet with paginated images. CTM will send the order file to HallmarkCenter and HallmarkCenter will follow the order and begin inspection automatically.Also, HallmarkCenter will output the inspection result for each sheet.

print inspection automatic large number pages many pages imposition printing digital data

Example of how HallmarkCenter works 

Let's take a look at how HallmarkCenter works from some actual example "Workbook (Monochrome)", "User's Manual (2colors)","Catalog (Full color)"

Example 1 : Workbook (Monochrome)

print inspection automatic large number pages many pages imposition printing digital data
print inspection automatic large number pages many pages imposition printing digital data

Number of pages

250 pages


Illustration + Text + Graph

Type of inspection

Paper(Scanning)       Data (PDF)

Ordinary visual inspection

8 hours


About 2 hours

Shortened by 6 hours !!

Example 2 : User's manual (2 colors)

It's very difficult to find the deviations from a sheet with paginated images by human eyes, however, HallmarkCenter can automatically detects a single image from a sheet with paginated images and begins inspection. After the inspection is complete, you can easily find the mistakes you are looking for.

print inspection automatic large number pages many pages imposition printing digital data
print inspection automatic large number pages many pages imposition printing digital data

Instruction for correction

print inspection automatic large number pages many pages imposition printing digital data


All the deviation wil be circled in a color of your choice so you can easily check if the misprints have been corrected with the right instruction.

Number of pages

540 pages


Illustration + Text + Photograph

Type of inspection

Paper(Scanning)       Data (PDF)

Ordinary visual inspection

15 hours


About 4.5 hours

Shortened by 10.5 hours !!

Example 3 : Catalog (Full color)

print inspection automatic large number pages many pages imposition printing digital data

Changes  in the tone of photograph was detected.

Number of pages

1000 pages


Illustration + Text + Photograph + scan

Type of inspection

Paper(Scanning)       Data (PDF)

Ordinary visual inspection

30 hours


About 8.5 hours

Shortened by 21.5 hours !!

    print inspection system machine software  print inspection device software automatic


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